Monday, October 6, 2008

Two new BaBy GiRLs!!!

Shane's brother Travis & Mindy had their first GIRL, after 4 Boys..Yippee!! Jersey Marie Royce. I am so excited that they get to experience a Baby Girl, I still can't believe it was a girl! Was a Sweetie!
My brother Ryan & wife DeAnna just had their 4th Girl! Shelby Layne Hadlock. I think she looks alot like my brother! She is such cutie! Can't wait to see her!


  1. OH MY GOSH! I can't believe they had a girl!!! I'm shocked. How exciting for them. I bet those little boys are in LOVE! I love her name!

    Ryan's baby is gorgeous too!

  2. Super sweet. Love the music. Thanks for adding the deal of the week. That will keep me posted :)

  3. Too excited!! I'm still a little in shock. And K-Mart fall apart was even better than the day after Thanksgiving, we didn't have to get up so stinking early and fight the crowds.


About Me

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Shane & I have been married for 12 years!! Wow, we are old!! We have been blessed with 6 wonderful children. They are everything to us. We love and cherish every moment with them. They have grown up so fast, and it is not slowing down.

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